Everything You Need to Know About Non-Toxic Skincare


Courtney Joy O’Connor is Primally Pure’s in-house Holistic Esthetician and has been involved in the beauty industry for over a decade. After working with an international beauty brand for several years, she took a step back from the spa industry to focus on the healing power of non-toxic skincare products and joined the Primally Pure team in 2016.

Courtney currently curates all of the brand’s content and also helped launch Primally Pure’s very own holistic spa, The Spa at Primally Pure. She has trained extensively across the country in holistic modalities and is certified in Facial Gua Sha, Manual Lymphatic Drainage, Herbal Poultice, and Aroma-Reflex techniques. Her in-depth knowledge, hands-on experience, and heartfelt passions inspire her to educate others on the positive impact of pure, simple skincare ingredients, and self-care practices.

When she’s not writing content at the Primally Pure Headquarters or offering Holistic Skin Treatments at The Spa, Courtney loves road-tripping and traveling, sipping kombucha from a wine glass, spending time in nature, blending superfood-filled bliss balls, and absorbing as much beauty as she possibly can.


According to Courtney, taking a holistic perspective to skincare requires looking at the whole person as opposed to simply applying products to the face. She explains, “You have to take into account their entire body, along with their lifestyles, stress levels, and nutrition. Starting from the consultation and really getting that bigger picture of who they are, how they are living their life, and how that’s impacting their skin.”

When it comes to a holistic perspective to skincare, Courtney suggests looking for solutions in not only topical products but also lifestyle shifts, different food choices, and stress relieving rituals. Courtney explains, “Our skin being our largest organ, it’s connected to other organs and tissues and cells, and it’s probably our greatest messenger to our overall wellness. It’s brilliant with revealing imbalances within our body.”


“Toxins, dangerous ingredients, and harmful chemicals have become the norm in many mainstream beauty products, and especially in deodorant. All the toxins that are in the environment that we don’t have control over, in the areas that you do have control over, it’s so essential to make the simple swaps,” explains Courtney. According to Courtney, “Skincare is a powerful place to begin because, as consumers, we have the power to choose what we are buying and bringing into our home and applying on our skin.”

Did you know that diseases and health issues are more likely to occur with consistent exposure to chemicals? Courtney explains, “Conventional products are one of the biggest contributors to toxic build-up within the body.” She suggests taking a few minutes to check out the ingredients on the back of your skincare products. Do you recognize the ingredients listed on the back? Courtney said, “Toxins build up because our bodies do not know how to receive them. They are foreign to our bodies, and they keep putting strain on the body.” This sounds like a lovely reason to make the switch today!

So what should you do? Courtney recommends supporting your skin and wellness with ingredients that support healthy tissues, cells, organs, and an overall healthy self. Due to the lack of regulations when it comes to skincare marketing or regulating, she encourages you to become your own skincare advocate.

One ingredient she strongly recommends you avoid is fragrance. “Fragrance is one of the most toxic ingredients on skincare, in-home care, perfumes, and candles. It is called the new second-hand smoke because it’s an umbrella term that can contain up to 3000 chemical ingredients, which they don’t have to break down and list every single chemical ingredient that makes up that term.” What’s even crazier, is that those unknown chemicals being hidden behind the term “fragrance” can sadly lead to respiratory damage, infertility, and even organ damage.


News flash! Cleansing oils are not your enemy, friend! Using oils on your face helps bring balance to your skin, supports deep cleansing and purifies your pores, while properly balancing and hydrating your skin. According to Courtney, “Oil cleansing is the sweet spot to facial cleansers as it won’t strip your skin and put it in a state of shock that results in more oil production, clogged pores, or excessive dryness.”

I’m curious, did you know that CBD is one of the most powerful anti-inflammatories? Courtney considers CBD a “game-changer” when it comes to cystic acne and inflammation. If you want to try it out for your self, she recommends using the Soothing Serum with CBD oil.


What happens when you remove toxins from your daily beauty regimen? What’s the one go-to product to swap out first? Why switching to natural deodorant is a must. How to be your own skincare expert by exploring the three T’s. How to have self-care moments at home at the fraction of the cost of a spa. Friend, I can’t wait for you to hear all the goodness that Courtney brings to this episode.

If you’re ready to make the switch to all natural, non-toxic, skin care click here and use COURAGE10 at checkout to save 10% off your first order.


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Soothing Serum with CBD oil

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